57 messages par Victor et Desirée FALZON

27/08/2024 Création de sujet : Quel crabe?


I found this small, red very hairy crab during a night snorkel on a rock shelf 30cm below the surface. It was very fast moving and hiding under algae or hyrdroids. Could anyone help with ID please? Thank you very much.

23/08/2024 Création de sujet : Symplegma viride?


Could an expert please confirm whether this is the colonial tunicate Symplegma viride? Thank you very much!

19/08/2024 Création de sujet : Qu'est-ce que c'est?


I don't know if it is possible to tell what this is, but it looks organic. It was about 8cm long and 1cm wode, in very shallow water close to the shoreline. Thank you very much!

17/08/2024 Création de sujet : Lissa chiragra?


I found this small crab (ca 12cm with arms) on a night snorkel just under the waterline. CAn anyone please confirm the species? Thank you!

05/08/2024 Création de sujet : Quelle crevette


I found this shrimp during a nocturnal snorkel at 0.5m depth in poorly-lit rock crevice. Could anyone help with identification please? Thank you!

03/08/2024 Création de sujet : Which macroplankton?


This macroplankton seems to have a very typical structure. Can anyone help with ID please? The water was full of them at shallow depths of 1m. Sea temperature was 27C. Thank you!

03/08/2024 Création de sujet : ceriantheopsis ou Isarachnanthus?


Several of these anemones were covering the silt seabed at 4-6m depth. Photo taken at night. I cannot decide on the genus. Any help, also with species is appreciated. Thank you!

31/07/2024 Création de sujet : Which shrimp?


I came across several of these very fast-moving shrimps during a night snorkel. Very hard to get a decent photo. Splash zone, on vertical rock faces. The orange colour and blue specks were conspicuous. Any help is appreciated. Thank you!

24/03/2024 Création de sujet : Strange ribbon-like animal

This ribbon-like animal was seen at night, swimming in undulations at the surface. Animal was maybe 40–50cm. Any idea what it could be? Sorry about picture quality – it is a still from a low-res footage. Thanks.

05/09/2023 Création de sujet : Which sponge?


I found this sponge in a dark crevice close to the surface. It does not quite look like Phorbas tenacior. Any ideas please?

18/08/2023 Création de sujet : Spicara maena ou Spicara smaris?


I am assuming this is Spicara maena, but just want to confirm with the experts that it is not Spicara smaris. Thank you for your help!

16/09/2022 Création de sujet : Which gatropod?


I found these worm snails under a pebble in shallow water (<1m). Quite common. They are 5mm across and hard. Thank you very much for your help!


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