33 messages par Joe DOUBLET

22/08/2021 Création de sujet : Exaiptasia diaphana ?

could anyone confirm whether teh sea anemones seen in the pictiure are E. diaphana please?

21/08/2021 Création de sujet : Crab

I came across this crab however I am not sure whether it is a local species or an invasive alien one.

18/08/2021 Création de sujet : Montagu's Blenny?

Is this a Montagu's blenny please? Excuse me for the poor quality but this is the best I could get since the specimen kept changing its place and it was hardly visible and was difficult for teh camera to focus.

18/08/2021 Création de sujet : Parablennius sanguinolentus ?


is this a Parablennius sanguinolentus please?

18/08/2021 Création de sujet : Parablennius sanguinolentus ?

Is this a Parablennius sanguinolentus please?

18/08/2021 Création de sujet : Gobius fallax ?

Could anyone confirm whether this is a Gobius fallax please?

18/08/2021 Création de sujet : Bellotti's goby?

Could anyone confirm whether this is a Gobius bellotti? It has a marking on the first dorsal fin and big eyes.

18/08/2021 Création de sujet : Gobius incognitus ?

Hi is this a Gobius incognitus or a Gobius buchichii? Eyestripe is highly visible albeit I am not sure the key features for Gobius incognitus.

09/08/2021 Création de sujet : Jellyfish sp?

Some years back I encountered what I think is an odd looking jellyfish. It's shape changed continuously sometimes it was almost flat and at other times it took the shape of a dome with tenticles. It was swimming up and down in the water column. Any help with identification would be appreciated.

09/08/2021 Création de sujet : Amberjack ?

Came across these species which I think are amberjack species but am not sure

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Red Mullet

I've come across what I beleive is a Red Mullet which has a strange colour- greenish. could anyone please confirm? Any idea why it has such a colour?

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Five spotted wrasse

I find it difficult to distinguish between the five spotted wrasse ( S. roissali) and teh Peacock wrasse (S.tinca). Can someone confirm that this is a male S. roissali please?

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