33 messages par Joe DOUBLET

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Topot Blenny ?

Hi, is this a Tompot Blenny next to the sea anemone? Image of fish is not so clear.

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Bellotti's goby

This species looks like a Bellotti's goby but am not sure. Could anyone please confirm?

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Sarato's goby?

Hi, I am not sure whether this is a Sarato's goby or a Bucchich's goby. The eye strip is not so visible albeit there are a number of wide blotches on the side

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Rusty Blenny ?

Hi I came across this Blenny species which looks like a Rusty Blenny but noticed orange markings on its fins and tail which are not highlighted on my guide. Could you please confirm?

08/08/2021 Création de sujet : Starfish

Hi, I came across this starfish on a sandy bottom...Managed to spot it due to the strong currents since it sunk in the sand within a few seconds. any idea what it is please?

04/08/2021 Création de sujet : Sea Anemone

Came across this specimen which I think is a sea anemone which looks different from the usual thin tenticled ones

21/07/2021 Création de sujet : Scorpionfish

I have come across this scorpionfish today. I think it is a Black scorpionfish however, the colours do not match those found in teh guidebook.

15/07/2021 Création de sujet : Blenny species

I came across this blenny species which I cannot identify. Would appreciate your help

20/08/2016 Création de sujet : Tuna or Shark Sp?

Took photos of a large fish from a long distance breaching the water whilst chasing small fish. Not very clear but the tail and pelvic fins pointed

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