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Kluwer Academic / Plenum Publ., Vol. 1, 1100p.
Kluwer Academic, Plenum Publ., Vol. 2, 1101-1708.
ed. Times Editions, 219p.
ed. Les 400 coups, Montréal, Québec, Canada, 43p.
Volume 1, ed. Abc Taxa, 130p.
NATO ASI Series, Series G: Ecological Sciences, Vol. 13, Ed. Springer, Berlin, 332 p.
imprimerie nationale, 188p.
Ecosystèmes, Patrimoines et Paysages sous-marins, collection Parthénope, ed. Biotope, 224p.
2nd Edition, Oxford University Press
Academic Press, 511p.
Biology of Habitats, ed. Oxford University Press, 240p.
Ray Society, London, 20 pl. et 146 p.
Ray Society, London, 113p.
ed. Macmillan and Co., London, 560p.
Washington gouvernement printing office, 244p.
ed. Zachary Kwintner Books, London, 288p.
ed. Brill, 184p.
Atoll Research Bulletin, 617, i-vi, 1-109.Librement disponible à :
Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika: zoologische documentatie, 19, Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika: Tervuren, 39 pp.
ed. Academic Press, London, UK, 524p.
With 1,200 examples in full color, ed. Facts On File, New York, 288p.