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ed. Ikan, 321p.
Seaconus Private Limited, Singapour, 100p.
ed. Impensis Laurentii Salvii, 132p.
Envenimations, intoxications, blessures, traitements. Ed. Xavier Montauban, 159p.
ed. R. Brown & Associates, Australie, 84p.
ed. Marine Conservation Society, GB, 175p.
ed. Marine Conservation Society, GB, 161p.
Editions de l'ORSTOM, 214p.
ed. ETI (Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification), NL
ed. Neptune Plongée, 256p.
ed. Il Castello, coll. Natura, 128p.
Ed. the Johns Hopkins University Press, USA.
Andrey Ryanskiy (éditeur), 92p.
Smithsonian Institution Press, 168 p.
University of Chicago Press, 456p.
Dunod, Paris, 208p.
Delachaux & Niestlé, 304p.
Bishop Museum Bulletin in Zoology, Mutual Publishing, 123p.
UICN, 138p.
ed. Wiley-Blackwell, 419 p.
The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology, 17, 286p.