Petit ver polychètes à tube annelé

Petit ver polychètes à tube annelé
Petit ver polychètes à tube annelé
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Grotte à la pointe de Giglio, Sardaigne Nord-Ouest, 10 m
  • Date de prise de vue : 06/07/2019
  • Agrandir l'image

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Réf : 78371

Frédéric ANDRÉ

Frédéric ANDRÉ le 26/04/23


J'ai observé dans une grotte en Sardaigne de petits vers (10 mm) donc le tube est, de façon espacé, annelé. Une idée ?

Frédéric ANDRÉ

Frédéric ANDRÉ le 08/09/23

Below one tube on the in the same location.

<p>Below one tube on the in the same location.</p>
Frédéric ANDRÉ

Frédéric ANDRÉ le 08/09/23

Thank you very much Leslie for your help, unfortunately I don't have any good photos of this worm. Below are two tubes on the left in the same location.

<p>Thank you very much Leslie for your help, unfortunately I don't have any good photos of this worm. Below are two tubes on the left in the same l...

Leslie HARRIS le 08/09/23

Hello, What a pretty worm! There appears to be a small operculum among the radioles of the larger animal. It might be a Serpula but there's not enough detail. Do you have more images of this?

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