
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Bassin d'Arcachon
  • Date de prise de vue : 20/08/2010
  • Nom du photographe : Marc Mentel
  • Agrandir l'image

Comment citer cette question :

Réf : 5322

Marc Mentel le 24/08/10


Désolé pour la qualité de cette photo mais cette petite chose était très remuante.
Merci de m'aider à définir l'espèce.


(correction balises ; Freda)
Vincent MARAN

Vincent MARAN le 19/09/10

Thank you Bruno for the answer.
I wasn't at home, I was in "fin de semaine"


Diana Rodrigues le 18/09/10

Ok Bruno,
Thank you for your explanations!

Bruno CHANET le 18/09/10


As you have guessed, to use images from Doris the "rules" are to ask for permission to its author and indicate his or her name in the acknowledgements of your final document (and Doris website as well).

How contacting the author ? 

you'll find on the top of this page, under DORIS written in blue with a Dalmatian Doris in its "O", a line where are indicated: "Accueil, DORIS, les participants ... and so on". You 'll go to "les participants". Then, using the indicated alphabet, you'll find a file, with a picture of the diver/photographer, and you find a window to send him or her a message. Indicating email addresses in the forum must be avoided for the security of website and computers.

I bet every member of Doris has been pleased with your interest and respect of the copyrights and I'm sure they all thank you for that.

le 18/09/10

Dear Vincent,

I am so happy to see your photo! you have no idea!
I think that's good as it is in the website. Could you give me then?
In what concerns your identification in the photo, you don't have to worry because i have always attention to that detail. I will put the photo in the thesis exactly the same as you will send me.
I have been seing the photos of the others Symphodus in your website, and i would like to use as well the one that is attached. It's ok? Do i have to contact Véronique Lamare? Do you have her e-mail?

Thank you!

Dear Vincent,<br /><br />I am so happy to see your photo! you have no idea!<br />I think that's good as it is in the website. Could you give me the...
Vincent MARAN

Vincent MARAN le 18/09/10

Hello Diana

This is a picture of a female of Symphodus bailloni.

I give it tou you, but you have to write this picture come from : "   ©   Vincent MARAN"

It's what we want for every pictures coming from our website.

And please, send us informations and link if it's possible after you finish your thesis.

Good luck for your master's thesis :-)

Vincent MARAN

  • Lieu de prise de vue : Lanvéoc (29), 5 m
  • Date de prise de vue : 2009-07-29 00:00:00
  • Nom du photographe : Vincent MARAN
  • Agrandir l'image
Hello Diana<br /><br />This is a picture of a female of <em>Symphodus bailloni</em>.<br /><br />I give it tou you, but you have to write this pictu...

Diana le 14/09/10

sorry to write in english (i am portuguese, and my french is not so good).

The individual in this photo is without any doubt a Symphodus bailloni.

I am finishing my master's thesis about Symphodus roissali, S. melops, and S. bailloni in Arrábida Marine Park (near to Sesimbra). 
I found your website, because i was searching for photos of S. bailloni to put in my work.
Could you please sent me some good photos of this species? Females in preference.... it has been very difficult to find a photo of a female!
Thank you,
Diana Rodrigues

Hi,<br />sorry to write in english (i am portuguese, and my french is not so good).<br /><br />The individual in this photo is without any doubt a...

Bruno CHANET le 25/08/10

oublié de dire: livrée typique de femelle

Bruno CHANET le 25/08/10

oui, pour S. bailloni

bien qu'il soit difficile d'être totalement affirmatif :
"Une longueur totale d’une vingtaine de centimètres, 15 épines et une dizaine de rayons mous à la nageoire dorsale, 10 épines et une dizaine de rayons mous à la nageoire anale, plus d’une dizaine de rayons mous pectoraux, une lèvre supérieure bien développée, un pédoncule caudal assez haut, deux taches noires à l’arrière de la nageoire dorsale et trois lignes longitudinales de taches sombres amènent à la conclusion que les animaux rencontrés sont bien des crénilabres de Baillon. De surcroit, la livrée corporelle marron-vert avec des zones rougeâtres, d’une part et de nombreuses petites taches vertes et orangées sur les flancs et le dos d’autre part, " ..."L’absence de tache en « haricot » derrière l’œil exclut le crénilabre mélops (Symphodus melops Linneaus, 1758)) "
In Maran et Chanet, sous presse.

car bcp des cractères distinctifs (nbre d'épines, forme de la lèvre sup. ...) ne sont guère visibles
Frédéric ANDRÉ

Frédéric ANDRÉ le 25/08/10

Tu as sans doute raison Maurizio, l'oeil n'est pas rouge, la tache noir en arrière de la dorsale est bien visible et la distribution correspond bien,
ceci dit je ne suis pas très compétent en poisson :-)
un autre avis ?

Maurizio Marino le 25/08/10

Por moi c'est un Symphodus bailloni!!!
Frédéric ANDRÉ

Frédéric ANDRÉ le 25/08/10

Oui pour Symphodus  roissali  (Risso, 1810).

Alain MAYOUX le 25/08/10

je pense à un crénilabre à cinq taches, Symphodus roissali

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