Actinia equina

Actinia equina
Actinia equina
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Malte, >1m
  • Date de prise de vue : 30/09/2015
  • Nom du photographe : Desiree Falzon
  • Agrandir l'image

Comment citer cette question :

Réf : 14349

Desirée Falzon le 01/10/15

Quelqu'un peut-il s'il vous plaît confirmer si cela est actinia cheval ? La couleur est plutôt brun-orange . Merci beaucoup.

desiree falzon le 05/10/15

Thanks guys. Very interesting discussion. I will keep a lookout for the characteristics you've ponted out.
Best wishes,Desiree

Bruno CHANET le 05/10/15



thank you Roberto
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

This a reference for "The acrorhagi are almost invariably bright blue, occasionally white or pink" in Actinia equina:
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

Maybe it is A. striata, I do not know well the Phylum Cnidaria, but the blue margin at the very base it seems irrelevant.
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

Another example...
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Sardinia
  • Date de prise de vue : 2011-06-07 00:00:00
  • Nom du photographe : Roberto Pillon
  • Agrandir l'image
Another example...
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

Actinia schmidti (ex-Actinia equina) has always a blue margin at the very base, often visible.
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Sardinia
  • Date de prise de vue : 2009-06-05 00:00:00
  • Nom du photographe : Roberto Pillon
  • Agrandir l'image
???<br /><em>Actinia schmidti</em> (<em>ex-Actinia equina</em>) has always a blue margin at the very base, often visible.

Bruno CHANET le 04/10/15

yes Roberto, you may be right

but a blue margin at the very base (very visible in the initial image) has, as far as I am informed, only been described/observed in Actinia striata.

Awaiting, as you adviced, genetic studies and new results, the simpliest solution is to consider this as an image of Actinia striata
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

(non renseigné)
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Caprera (Northern Sardinia)
  • Date de prise de vue : 2013-06-18 00:00:00
  • Nom du photographe : Roberto Pillon
  • Agrandir l'image
(non renseigné)
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

(non renseigné)
  • Lieu de prise de vue : La Maddalena (Northern Sardinia)
  • Date de prise de vue : 2013-06-18 00:00:00
  • Nom du photographe : Roberto Pillon
  • Agrandir l'image
(non renseigné)
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

(non renseigné)
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Caprera (Northern Sardinia)
  • Date de prise de vue : 2013-06-18 00:00:00
  • Nom du photographe : Roberto Pillon
  • Agrandir l'image
(non renseigné)
Roberto PILLON

Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15

I think it is Actinia sp., it is different to Actinia striata and it is different to Actinia schmidti (ex-Actinia equina).

I often encounter this species in the south of Corsica or in Northern Sardinia. I've never encountered it in other places.

I met and photographed Actinia striata in Menorca, it is different: smaller, with less banding, thick lines and color much darker banding.

I think that these examples are probably Actinia cf. schmidti strangely colored. The main reason is that there are examples too large for A. striata and various specimens with intermediate colors.
I think that need genetic studies for to give a name to these specimens. I post some sample photos.

Desirée Falzon le 01/10/15

Merci Frédéric! I did a google search and it looks exactly like Actinia striata. New species for me:)
Frédéric ANDRÉ

Frédéric ANDRÉ le 01/10/15

Bonjour Désirée,

je pense à l'anémone proche de l'anémone cheval : Actinia striata Quoy & Gaimard, 1833,

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