Desirée Falzon le 01/10/15
Quelqu'un peut-il s'il vous plaît confirmer si cela est actinia cheval ? La couleur est plutôt brun-orange . Merci beaucoup.Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
This a reference for "The acrorhagi are almost invariably bright blue, occasionally white or pink" in Actinia equina:Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
Maybe it is A. striata, I do not know well the Phylum Cnidaria, but the blue margin at the very base it seems irrelevant.Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
Another example...Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
???Bruno CHANET le 04/10/15
yes Roberto, you may be rightRoberto PILLON le 04/10/15
(non renseigné)Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
(non renseigné)Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
(non renseigné)Roberto PILLON le 04/10/15
I think it is Actinia sp., it is different to Actinia striata and it is different to Actinia schmidti (ex-Actinia equina).Frédéric ANDRÉ le 01/10/15
Bonjour Désirée,