36 messages par Roberto PILLON

17/04/2010 Création de sujet : Ablennes hians?
Tallie: cm 60

Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Ablennes hians or a other fish?

17/04/2010 Création de sujet : Cypraea pantherina?
Tallie: cm 10

Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Cypraea pantherina, or Cypraea sp.?

17/04/2010 Création de sujet : Tridacna sp.
Taille: 35 cm

Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Tridacna  gigas, or Tridacna  maxima, or other shell?

12/04/2010 Création de sujet : Upeneus arge?
Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Upeneus arge or an other fish?

12/04/2010 Création de sujet : Valenciennea sexguttata?
Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Valenciennea sexguttata or other fish?

11/04/2010 Création de sujet : Synodus sp.
Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Synodus sp., or Saurida sp. or other fish?

11/04/2010 Création de sujet : Saurida sp.
Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Saurida cf nebulosa or other fish?

11/04/2010 Création de sujet : Pomacanthus sp.
Could you help me to have a good identification of this photo?
Is it Pomacanthus chrysurus, or Pomacanthus semicirculatus, or other fish?

21/03/2010 Création de sujet : Sea star from Seychelles
Do you know the specie of this sae star?
Thnak you.

20/03/2010 Création de sujet : Culcita schmideliana?
I think that these sea star maybe it is Culcita schmideliana but I'm not sure because I don't know the tropical sea life.
Could it is Culcita novaeguineae?
Could it is Halityle regularis?
Thank you

20/03/2010 Création de sujet : Fish from Seychelles - Naso sp.?
In Seychelles there are a lot of these fishes near the seaweeds.
I'm not expert to tropical fishes.
Someone know its?
Thank you.

16/03/2010 Création de sujet : Aetobatus narinari? Myliobatis aquila?
In Seychelles I saw a lot of Aetobatus narinari but the fish in the photo is different from the others Aetobatus narinari because it has not the white spots on the back.
Do you think that it could be Aetobatus narinari or Myliobatis aquila or a different specie?

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