Consultez notre sélection des meilleurs liens
ed. Delachaux et Niestlé, 248p.
ed. Delachaux & Niestlé, 248 p.
ed. Delachaux et Niestlé, 264p.
ed. Tauchen-Kosmos, Allemagne, 239p.
Synopsis of British Fauna n°36, Kermack, D.M. & Barnes, R.S.K. (Eds.), 178p.
15ème édition, Lee Publications, Etats-Unis, 264p.
ed. Waterman, 646p.
London Academic Press, 416p.
Comstock classic handbook, 576p.
Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, 800p.
Oxford University Press, Oxford UK, 2e édition, 799p.
Royal Society for the Protection of Birds, ed. Bloomsbury Wildlife, London, 240p.
ed. Cornell University Press, 542p.
Mutual Publishing, Honolulu, Hawaii, 366p.
ed. Bishop Museum Press (Hawaii), 653 p.
Oriental Publshing Company, Honolulu, 112p.
Wavecrest Publications, 174p.
Australian Institute of Marine Science Monograph Series, vol. 9, 234p.
(Chapman & Hall Identification Guide, 4), ed. Chapman & Hall, London, UK, 495p.
Biotope éditions, CPIE Bassin de Thau, Mèze, 228p.