Mirjam Pilz le 06/03/18
hello, has anybody an idea about this creature? I can’t find any information about it in my reefbooks.
I saw this in Phuket, Thailand, in the Andamansea.
It was rolling over the sand, it was flat, I couldnt see fins, feat or a head of it.
Would be very nice, if someone of you have an idea?!
Thank you,
Bruno CHANET le 08/03/18
Dear all,
thanks Mirjam for new images.
a closer view on those images makes me think it is not Coelaplana .
But rather a flatworm or a seaslug rolled by the waves.... and I cannot identify it
any other idea ?
Pierre CORBRION le 07/03/18
It's not clear at all, but it may be a benthic Ctenophora ? Like a Coeloplana.