Solmaris narcomedusae (i think) - Can you identify the species?

Solmaris narcomedusae (i think) - Can you identify the species?
Solmaris narcomedusae (i think) - Can you identify the species?
  • Lieu de prise de vue : Saronida, near Markelou islet, Saronic gulf, Attica, Greece, near surface depth, midday
  • Date de prise de vue : 12/03/2021
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Vasilis STERGIOS le 14/03/21

Spotted 3-4 individuals while snorkelling in Saronida (Attica coastline - Saronic gulf. Size is just 1-2 cm in diameter. Since it's the first time I notice this particular species in the area, any suggestions are welcome!


Vasilis STERGIOS le 15/03/21

@ Pierre Poêle

I have already suggested the same on iNaturalist but according to jellyfish taxonomist Dhuhal Linday:

" Solmissus has stomach pouches and the species albescens also has patches of stinging cells on the exumbrella. Superficially though they do look very similar "

He suggested Solmaris instead and that is why I am now looking for a second opinion to either confirm or contradict his case.

If indeed it is Solmaris, then it should be added to the DORIS database as there is no existing record of this genus!


Pierre Poêle le 14/03/21

Pourquoi ça ne serai pas
ZIEMSKI Frédéric, ANDRÉ Frédéric in : DORIS, 30/10/2020 : Solmissus albescens (Gegenbaur, 1856), ?

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