Francis POLLAK
le 23/11/12
On distingue mal le bord du manteau...
Voilà ce que l'on trouve sur le seaslug forum pour tenter une distinction entre les phyllidies aux paterns proches: "
Phyllidiella pustulosa is closest in appearance to
Phyllidiella annulata,
Phyllidiella zeylanica and
Phyllidiella granulata.
P. annulata differs in having many pink rings with low angular tubercles, in lacking a pale edge to the mantle and in the possession of 17-20 lamellae on each rhinophoral clavus (specimens greater than 23 mm).
P. zeylanica has pink compound tubercles which are coalesced into longitudinal ridges (i.e., not clusters), black longitudinal lines, and the anal opening partially encircled by pink tubercles.
P. zeylanica is pale grey ventrally and has 20-23 lamellae on each rhinophoral clavus (specimens greater than 30 mm).
P. granulatus has three median groups of tubercles but differs from
P. pustulosa in that the tubercles are acute, multi-compound and white with grey bases and intermediate granular grey areas, a granular grey mantle edge and 17-20 lamellae on each rhinophoral clavus."