Stefan Pav le 03/11/21
Bonjour, Nathan!
To identify yellow, orange or red sponges (or most sponges in general) just by foto you'd need good close-up pictures to see the texture of the surface and the oscules. And that would be no guarantee that the sponge can be IDed at all. It is the same with algues, bryozoaires and tuniciers.
So, while your panoramic cave pics are beautiful eyecandy and make me want to go back into the water straight away, I am afraid an ID will not be possible for most of them. It is similar to taking a pic of a whole mountain and then trying to ID the trees on the slopes ...
On my computer I have a huge folder named "yellow sponges", right beside my folder "red sponges". But my favorite folder is the one called "many sponges". ;)
Best wishes
Nathan GEORGEAULT le 25/06/21
Ok, merci pour votre réponse.
Quelqu'un aurait une idée du nom des deux autres éponges ?
Daniel ROY le 23/06/21
Pour la bleue il s'agit de l'éponge encroutante bleue , Terpios gelatinosus.