Tineke Smit le 15/09/12
Trouver cet Gelagna succincta avec une plongée de nuit a Wadi Lahami en Egypt.
Cet animal est très rare, c'est pour ca je voulez le montrer a DORIS.
J'ai eu une répons de Bill Rushdie sur cet sujet. Le seul autre photo que j'ai trouver sur cet sujet c'est d'un autre Hollandais que travail en Egypt. Malheureusement j'ai oublier son nom.
Dear Tineke
I am sure there is a snail shell beneath the brown 'growth'. I first thought your photo showed a snail with algal growth on its shell but the other photo shows an identical arrangement. Are the photos of the same animal? If not I cant imagine two animals with the same pattern of algal growth. Which made me wonder if the growth is in fact a elaborate periostracum produced by the snail. Some snails have a 'horny' layer on the oputside of their shell and in some this has long hairs. In the family Ranellidae some species are called 'hairy tritons' because of this growth. There are some photos on the web - search 'hairy triton' - but in most photos of shells this layer is removed so the shell is more 'beautiful' for collectors.
I suspect it is a snail, perhaps a ranellid, but I am afraid photos alone are not always enough to make an accurate identification. Perhaps it is algal growth.
Sorry I cant help anymore
Vincent MARAN le 16/09/12
Oui, Tineke, je me doutais qu'il devait s'agir d'une autre espèce certainement.Vincent MARAN le 15/09/12
Bonjour Tineke